Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wet N' Wild weekend with the Pygmies

It was a rainy, dreary weekend with the band, here's what happened...

Thursday I woke up and packed for my weekend with the band. I headed out of my house around three o'clock. Jasper Alabama is a long drive. It took me about four and a half hours to get there. On the road I received a text message from Christeen, asking me to pick up some 9 volt batteries and some Johnson's & Johnson's 1/2", waterproof tape for Eddins. A little trivia fact for you, Eddins wears ONLY Johnson's & Johnson's 1/2" waterproof tape while playing... in case you are ever coerced into picking some up for him. After my short trip to Walgreens, I made it to the club to watch the guys set up the lights for the show. O'Malley's is an interesting bar. It is truly a bar for drinking and partying, not for glitz and glamor. As soon as the guys were done setting up we all headed to the hotel and relaxed, anticipating the night's wild adventures. I got back to the bar, in time to watch Angel do some shots with this REALLY tall guy, named Jacob. He was a little scruffy, but all the ladies seemed to love him. The show was great! And the fans at O'Malley's know how to party! The new stripper pole they installed worked wonders for the crazy drunk young ladies to dance upon. Even a few young men had their turn on the pole. After the show was over, the band packed things up, and headed back to the hotel. I texted Christeen to see if a Waffle House meal was in our future... and it was. We were lucky enough to have a nice meal with Brad's beautiful wife, Joany. After we ate, we all headed back to the hotel to sleep for a few hours. Check out was 11... ugh!

Friday I woke up late, so I didn't have time to shower. I hurried down stairs and put my bag in my car, where I met Cameron, who was doing the same. I was not planning on attending the rest of the shows for the weekend, I should've known Cam would change my mind. We ate lunch at Ruby Tuesday's. It was a great sit down meal with all my boys, I love it! While we were eating Angel and I decided to carpool to the show, since we alllll had to go in the same direction. Lunch discussions included, but weren't limited to: Bret Favre being gay, Vikings changing their uniform to rainbow colors, the gayness of our waiter, Cam and Chris's cold soup, and a saying that can only be summed up as "Let me be your Edward". Unfortunately, legally, that's ALL I can say about that. I followed behind Angel the best I could on the highway (he drives REALLY fast) to Tupelo, MS. Which was where we would rest our head for the night. We dropped Angel's S.U.V. off at the hotel and drove the rest of the way to Oxford, MS. The closer we got to the frat house the more it looked familiar. I have been to soooo many frat houses with the guys, I forget which ones I have, and have not been to. They played at this fraternity last Halloween. The band waited for the weather forecast... it didn't look good. As the band started setting up the rock show, the rain started to come. I was sent on a mission... more like a drink run, needing: 2 red AMPS, 2 green AMPS, 1 gatorade, and 1 pack of marlboro reds in a box. After returning from the 3 gas stations I had to go to find ALL of that stuff, I was sent on another errand for 2 fog machines, blow pops and a mountain dew for Jason. Wal-Mart was my best bet. Wal-Mart came up short, they were out of fog machines. After almost an hour of searching for somewhere that might have a fog machine, I gave up and headed back to the frat. Jason was not thirsty now, but I made him drink it anyway. The show was surprisingly PACKED! The rain could not keep these fans away, and it was COLD too! It would be the first time that Cameron could actually say he got allllll the girls wet at the show (Cam made note of this later and seemed very pleased with himself.) Angel and Dep both had on sweatshirts! The night never cleared up, even as the guys were tearing down the equipment. Which made it very dangerous to push the heavy stuff into the truck. After we were done, we drove back to Tupelo to sleep. I got a call from Christeen, before we hit the sack, a Waffle House was calling his name. An enjoyable warm meal with good friends. I got back to the hotel and took a really hot shower. It was cold out, and I just couldn't seem to shake it! Then I headed to bed, a busy Saturday awaits us.

Saturday I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Cameron. We were all rolling to the Cracker Barrel for a nice lunch. The band met up with some old friends, Matt and Lydia. There is something awesome about Cracker Barrel when it is cold outside, it just gives me a fuzzy warm feeling. Lunch topics for the day included: O.J. guilty? or not guilty?, a hang man match with Angel on his iphone, comments about the pictures and antiques hanging on the walls, and talks on what the band, Rumor Mill, was doing for the weekend. After our great fellowship, we drove to Rick's Cafe in Starkville, MS. The bar was nice and big. I was really excited to see all the fans! While the guys set up the show, I explored the bar, and found lots of pictures of bands that have played at the bar prior to the Pygmies. The Pygmies are sharing a stage once used by David Alan Coe, Snoop Dog, Kenny Chesney, Maroon 5, and many, many more. The "celebrities" that have played before them made me even MORE excited about the fan intake this place can hold! During my exploration, I found as old Pygmie promo photo. The very first Pygmie promo photo ever in circulation. The band took longer to set up than normal because most of the equipment was wet. I was sent on more errands... this time it was for: foot insoles, marlboro reds in a box, gatorade, 2 red AMPS, 2 green AMPS, and some long underwear. Angel accompanied me to Wal-Mart, where he bought some candy, in addition to our random assortment of items. I got back to the bar, they finished set up, and I was sent to CVS while the guys changed for the show. More 9 volt batteries, and some AA batteries were needed. The show started around 11 and the band played their usual, over-the-top rock n' roll. The audience was a little thin, but I hoped it would beef up a bit later in the night. It was homecoming weekend, it had to be a rockin night, right? Wrong! They sold to a whole 109 fans! No matter now many fans came, Cameron sold the few fans that were there. Sometimes it's not quantity, its quality... though BOTH is nice. The band tore down the stage, and disappointingly headed to the hotel. Chris, Jason, and Christeen drove straight home, so Cameron, Brad and I went to eat. While waiting on Cameron in my hotel room, I noticed a few strange things. bullet holes in my ceiling, bloody finger prints on the inside of my lamp shade, one towel, no soap, and 6 locks on the door. Normally the six locks would make me feel more safe... this time, it made me even more worried. The name Royal Inn was quite ironic. We couldn't find a Waffle House in the town, so we settled for Huddle House instead. A good meal never-the-less. Cam and Brad even ordered strawberry shortcake for dessert. We headed back to the hotel and crashed. I made sure to lock ALL six of my locks, and kept my cell phone close by.

Sunday was my day of "rest" where I drove the 4 hours home...and crashed again, this time safely in the comfort of my own home.

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