Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This last weekend was REAL crazy...

There's was a lot of things that happened this last weekend, so let's start with Thursday and go from there...

On Thursday, I started driving towards the "famous" city of Rome, GA. It's about a 5 hour drive from my house plus they're on eastern time, so I headed out about noon. Unfortunately, about an hour into my drive I stopped off to get gas and realized I left my debit card at home... so i had to drive allllll the way back home, and attempt the drive again! Because I was being irresponsible with my card, I missed Cam wife, Karey's, passion party. Devastated, but never-the-less, excited about the show, I headed straight to the club. I met up with Angel and went to a close by bar to have drinks and eat some mediocre bar food. The show started around 10:30, and was quite an awesome show! Not as many people showed compared to last time, but it was still a rockin time! The audience was very intoxicated, which always makes for an interesting evening. We had more than one woman topless and a "young" lady that decided she wanted to show the band her key chain under her panties. Cam thought this was the perfect photo opportunity. Not sure where the picture went, but my guess is, even if it was in circulation I would LOSE your interest in the blog by putting it up. Cameron did have a wardrobe malfunction, during a song, he knelt down on one knee and ripped the crotch out of his pants. He spent the last few songs carefully hopping around the stage, as to NOT show the audience his goodies. Cameron's wife did grace us with her presence and even got on stage to dance with Christeen. She also gave Chris a nice lap dance. He was very excited. After the show, the band tore down the gear, loaded it in the truck, and Brad, Traci, Jessica, Christeen, and I headed to IHop. It was not my best experience at an IHop, they forgot about my food. So, I got it in a to-go box and ate it back at the hotel... cold. Lights went out around 4:30 am.

Friday, I got up, showered, and checked out of my hotel. The nice lady at the front desk gave me a late check-out so I got to my car around noon. I was putting in the address of the next venue when the gang started to pile out of the hotel and linger around in the parking lot... waiting for Christeen to roll out of bed and join us. Karey showed me the "unique" items from the passion party, and sold several bags full to Angel. Not sure what he plans on doing with a vibrating tongue, but whatever floats his boat. We decided on Red Lobster for lunch. It was amazing. Everyone got the all-you-can-eat shrimp, except for me. I knew I couldn't eat more than one plate anyways. The waitress there was GREAT! Anytime you're in Rome, GA at the Red Lobster ask for Eloise! We then headed towards Athens, GA. It was only a 2 hours drive, but it lasted a lot longer due to the wonderful Atlanta traffic. We arrived at the fraternity and the guys quickly started setting everything up. Cam gave me the task of finding a hotel room. It was the day before the home game, so hotels were expensive and hard to come by. I used Cam's phone and found a Days Inn with 2 rooms left. He took them both. After returning with the hotel room keys Cam, Jason, and Chris left to shower and change for the rock show. Pete, Christeen, Turck and I sat outside on rocking chairs and enjoyed the silence and perfect weather. I love when the guys play in places where the Pygmies are NOT well known. When the band starts, the surprised looks on all their faces is priceless! And their looks carry on throughout the night as Cam talks about things most people don't have the guts to say on stage. We even had a couple that was on a first date, and Cam made them have their first kiss on stage. Poor couple, being forced to kiss in front of all those people! After the show Cameron and Brad drove home, Angel and Pete stayed in the hotels, and Jason, Chris, Christeen, and I drove allllll the way back to Birmingham. I had to stop a couple of times, just to stay awake, but I arrived in Birmingham in one piece. I checked into the Days Inn. Though the hotel was old and the air conditioner made a lot of noise, it didn't stop me from sleeping! I think I went to bed about 6:30 am.

On Saturday, I woke up in the hotel room just in time to watch an awesome Alabama game. I then showered and headed towards the Iron Horse Cafe for some good food. Before eating, I went next door with Angel to get some guitar strings and picks. He is well known over there. lol. I ordered my food and sat down at the table by Angel and I talked about nonsense topics while the rest of the band set up the lighting for the show. They have amazing food at Iron Horse, I got the Iron Horse Burger and fries, I also ordered some spring rolls, because I know how much the guys like them. The guys headed towards the hotel to change around 9 o'clock. So I went to the bar to pay for my food and then i was headed in the same direction. The lady at the bar was not my server, but when I told her I had to pay, she just handed me the receipt. i couldn't figure out how she knew me, then I looked at the receipt... my name was under :"Chick with Angel" in the computer. How nice (sarcasm). I relaxed at the hotel for a half hour or so, then headed to the Horse, where it was already busy with people anticipating their faces being ROCKED off. The show was great, as always, at the Iron Horse! We even had a couple give each other shots of jelled alcohol from syringes... I'm not gonna give away the secret as to how they dispense these shots. You will have to come to the Iron Horse and find out! The show ended earlier than normal, about 1:30 a.m. The fans cleared out and the guys worked fast to tear down the stage. Cameron and Brad drove home after the show. I headed back to the hotel and went to bed about 4 a.m.

All-in-all, a wonderful weekend filled with memories that will last a lifetime! I hope you can experience a weekend like this too!

Until next weekend...

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to my night of great memories! You're right they do last, Great stories, see you Thurs! Don't forget anything, don't wanna miss Karey's party!
