Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween weekend, Pygmie Style!

Halloween weekend, here we come!

Thursday October 29th the band will be in Clarksville, TN at The Warehouse. The Warehouse is one of the best LIVE music venues in Middle Tennessee. Located in Clarksville,TN, between Fort Campbell and Austin Peay University, The Warehouse has been the stomping ground for many of Tennessee's BEST up and coming rock-n-roll, Metal, Alternative and Blues bands. Bands such as Bombshell Crush, Digby, Spout, Project Jones, August Christopher, Hollowed Soul, Former, Deadsun, Straight Line Stitch, Dean Hall, Mellow Down Easy, Solvi, Plan A, and many others. The Warehouse also brings in National Acts like, 7 Mary 3, Rehab, Tantric, Adema, The Georgia Satilites, The Velcro Pygmies, Quiet Riot, Loverboy, Eddie Money, Superdrag, Hells Bells, Cowboy Mouth, The Honeyrods and the KISS Army. The 400 peeps capacity club is the PERFECT room for local, regional and national touring acts. With two bars, pool, darts, foos-ball, and great DJ's The Crowd always has something to do between bands! The weekends are ALWAYS packed with great established acts rocking the club from 10pm-2am. See you there!

Friday the band heads to one of the Pygmies' hot spots for rock n' roll, Phoenix Hill Tavern in Louisville, KY. The winner of 18 Best of Louisville Awards including Louisville's magazine's prestigious Best Of The Best Of Louisville! You must be 21 and up to party here. If you're a young lady, bring some sexy underwear to put on the "Big Ass Fan"! It's a Pygmie tradition! See you Friday night on Halloween eve!!

Saturday the band travels to Evansville, IN at Woody's bar for Halloween night! The band will be dressed up, will you? This place is considered the "hardest place to rock in Evansville". The band is set to go on at 11:00 pm. so don't be late! It's also a 21 and up bar, come early! I am guessing this place will be packed for Halloween!!

See you at the shows!!


4 Pygmies Shows, what a thrill!!

Last weekend was a blast! Here's what happened...

Wednesday I drove to Birmingham, AL to see the Pygmies at Zen Night Club. I stopped off at Betsy's and we rode together to the bar. The guys were there already setting up a big light show. Zen bar is a neat place, and I swear that bar DOESN'T close! It was around 7:30 and Betsy and I decided to pick up some Krystal's for her for dinner, while on the way I ordered pizza for the band and had it delivered to the bar. Meat lovers, pineapple, and pepperoni were on the menu for the night. When we got back to the bar the band went to leave to change for the show, Zach, Betsy and me had a bit of our own excitement and headed a mile downtown to 5-points. We walked downtown to a couple of tattoo shops. If it's one thing I've learned with this band, what happens with the band... NORMALLY stays within the band. haha. After we got back to the club we met up with some local Pygmie fans, chatted a bit and anticipated the start of the show. The band was supposed to start at 10... but it ended up being midnight before they went on. I guess they were waiting for people to show up... it's a good thing they started when they did, cause if they were gonna be waiting for a crowd... they would've waited allllll night long. The show was fun despite the number of fans. I left directly after the show, they didn't end till 3:30 am or so and I was so tired!

I woke up Thursday to the sound of my cell phone ringing, it was Angel. He wanted to make sure he had the right address to the bar for the show. Rick's Cafe in Starkville, MS. I got up, showered, and headed west to Starkville. It was only a couple of hours from Birmingham, I can do that in my sleep! I arrived in Starkville a little later than the band. They were still setting up the lights. I ordered some chicken tenders from the bar, and talked with Jason about how his week had gone. He had just received a new video camera for his birthday from Cameron. It's amazing to me how excited he was with his new toy. He video taped EVERYTHING! We even reenacted the commercial with the pothole that says "Oh no, your tire's all flat and junk!" This line from the commercial never got old! After I enjoyed some of my dinner (the guys stole most my fries and some of the tenders) I relaxed at the bar with Angel and played some pool waiting for the band to start. I was hoping that the show would have more fans than last time, I think it did... but not by much :( Again, another strike out with the fan numbers! UGH! After the show I headed back to the hotel to change and on the way back to the bar I spotted Dep walking to the hotel in the rain, I offered him a ride... we ended up making a pit stop at the 24hr Wendy's drive-thru for a late night bite. I returned to the bar, grabbed up Cameron, took HIM to the hotel to get his Yukon, then headed back to the bar... again! The night ended with a trip to Huddle House with Cameron, Brad, Teen and John "Gumbo" Farrell on the cell phone. Apparently, Starkville, MS doesn't have a Waffle House. I went to bed at the wonderful Regal Inn around6:30 am.

Friday morning grossed me out. I guess because I was so tired the night before I had not realized how disgusting my hotel room was. Much like the last time we stayed at the "fabulous" Regal Inn, there were 6 locks on my door... but this time only 2 worked, there was no trash can, no hot water, no working toilet, no controller to the T.V. hair in the shower, sink, floor and a rather large toe nail clipping on the floor! EWWWW!!!! I headed out of the hotel, after my COLD shower, and met up with Angel. We ate lunch at McAlister's Deli on the way to our next rendezvous point, Monroe, LA. It was almost a four hour drive. But Angel and my conversation made the time past by slightly quicker. We arrived in Monroe, LA... what a great bar! It was called Hookin' Bull! It was a themed bar... WESTERN! Normally I would not appreciate the western motif at a bar, but this place was GREAT! It had everything from cow skin bar stool covers to a riding bull! They had the neatest disco ball... it was a saddle with the mirrors on it! It cost over $135,000. The bar is also very, very clean. The bartenders really work hard to make this place a fun time, and it shows! The band sent me on a run to get batteries at the local Wal-Mart, then I headed back to watch the rest of the set up. The band left to go to the hotels and Angel and I stayed at the bar and continued our pool match for the second night in a row. After enough alcohol, Angel found it to be a good time to test out the riding bull, don't worry, I recorded a video of the whole event. He didn't fall off, though I wouldn't tell him to quit his... night job ;) The fans started to worry me at first, most of the "fans" in the bar looked like extras in the movie Urban Cowboy. Slowly but surly they started to pile in like cattle, and the band took the stage. It was a great turn out! For some reason, I started feeling really sick the later the night got. I decided to relax side stage in a booth. I almost fell asleep... that tells you how sick I was! After the show I took Dep to Waffle House for some late night fellowship. He got his food to go, and took it back to the hotel to relax. I drove back to the bar to see how far along the band was from being done. They were putting the last cases in the truck. Again, feeling sick, I went outside to get some fresh air. It only made it worse, I tried everything I could to not get sick near the guys... I failed. I didn't realize Christeen and Chris were standing by the van. You would think seeing someone sick and not feeling well would bring out a "Softer" side of Christeen, but it didn't. He DID laugh at me, and let Chris know how funny I looked leaning over the sidewalk. GUYS! UGH! I drove myself to the hotel, Christeen didn't want me to throw up on him in the car. We then headed to Waffle House... this would be twice in one night for me, lol. I didn't eat, in fact, the thought of food made me feel bad. The night didn't get any better back at the hotel. I went to sleep around 7 am, but woke up every hour because of my illness.

My only hope was that Saturday I would wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day... I was wrong. Still sick, I called Cameron to see where they were. The band was eating a nice sit down meal at the local Shoney's, one of Dep's favorites. I picked up Angel and headed there to join them. I ate some fruit and drank some water... that was all I could handle. Angel rode with me to Baton Rouge, LA... Walk On's was our new destination. I stopped half way there and made him drive... the nausea had not subsided and the driving was making it worse. I slept the rest of the way to Baton Rouge. Unfortunately, our time was perfect and horrible at the same time. The LSU home game was one hour till kickoff. Trying to get to the bar took almost an hour. In the mean time, I got sick...again, in my own car, in the passenger seat, while Angel was stuck in traffic... awful!!!! We made it to the bar in time to watch the end of the Alabama game, Roll Tide! Then the guys started to set up in the MASSIVE tent outside. I sat quietly in a chair and tried nursing my headache. Chris took care of me, got me some water, and some Goody's powders. I slowly snapped out of the sickness! Angel and I headed to Quizno's and talked to the band Another Hero. They had been playing in town all weekend. I made a trip to get blow pops and headed back to the bar and waited for the band to start. JD and his son decided to grace us with their presence! For those of you who don't know them, they are the Pygmie guru's for t-shirts and websites! So be ready for some NEW shirts at your next Pygmies show! The show was a SMASH hit! Lots and lots of people! After the show I waited for the guys to break everything down and chatted with John "Gumbo"Farrell on the phone. We had to drive out of town to find a hotel. About 30 miles south we found ourselves at a Days Inn in Hammond, LA. Not a bad stay. I took a long, hot shower, then headed to bed. It was almost morning.

Sunday was surprisingly a lot of fun. Normally I dread the last morning, it's usually me, dragging out of bed, brushing my teeth, and crawling to my car to make the LONG drive home. This time was different, I woke somewhat refreshed... or as refreshed a person can be for only having 4 hours of sleep. I packed my car with my bags and drove to IHOP with the band to enjoy a nice meal before driving home. They had a much longer drive then I did, about 7 hours. I headed home after we ate, and made it back to my place around 4 pm. As I laid down on my couch I day dreamed of the next weekend, and what exciting adventures it would bring. You just never know with these guys!

See you next week!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A lucky four nights with the Pygmies, are you ready?

Wednesday the band will play in Birmingham, AL at Zen Nightclub. Zen has had a bad reputation the last few months. but I'm sure the Pygmies can turn it around. This bar has a really cool atmosphere! It has several lounge areas! It also has some VIP rooms in the back. These rooms I KNOW have been used for more than just mingling! It is a 19 and up bar, and is 10$ at the door. They start late here, probably around midnight, because ZEN doesn't close! Beware of the strict dress-code that is strictly enforced due to security reasons. I hope to see you there!

Thursday, the band heads to Starkville, MS for another show at Rick's Cafe. The last time the guys played here was only a few weeks ago, so the rock n roll should still be fresh in these fans minds when they come back! This bar is 21 and up. They WILL be having a happy hour with Coors Light and Jager bombs! And the lovely Captain Morganettes will be handing out free stuff!!!! You don't want to miss this! Bring all your friends!

Friday the band is gonna be in Monroe, LA at VooDoo. This is a new place for the Pygmies. This is Monroe's newest and most premiere night spot. Located in the old Cooter Bay building right across from the ULM campus and Waterfront Grill! Come out and enjoy the best dance music and the FASTEST service Monroe has to offer!!

Saturday the band will drive south to LSU territory! Baton Rouge's own Walk On's. The band was booked to play Walk On's last year, but a hurricane prevented the show from happening. This time the guys are back and anticipating a long over-due night of rock n' roll in Baton Rouge. The place also serves food, and from what I have heard, its amazing! Saturday night there's a Roast Beff PoBoy special... i have a feeling one, if not all, the guys will be getting there fair share of Walk On's amazing food!

See you at the shows

Monday, October 19, 2009

One Night, One Pygmies Show...

Unfortunately, this last weekend, I was only able to attend one Pygmies show... here's how it allll went down...

While at work on Friday, I was talking over the boring weekend plans I had... Pygmie-less. The ladies I worked with were shocked that, I, "Kate The Pyghead" would go an entire weekend without seeing the band. I was almost in as much shock as they were. One of the ladies asked why I couldn't see them in Montgomery, since I only live a couple of hours from there. I explained to her that I had to work the next morning, so the only way to go to the show would be to either leave early from the show, or NOT sleep. After she had put the thought in my head I weighed my options and decided, sleep, though important, is over-rated... and it was Dep's birthday, how could I NOT be there. I got off at work at 6:00 p.m. and headed straight to the Montgomery. My brother was gonna visit my Dad for the weekend, so I took him with me to Montgomery, where are plans were to rendezvous at Rock Bottom's to hand my brother off to them. We arrived at Rock Bottom's around 9:00p.m. and the bar was already starting to fill with eager fans. My Dad was running late, so my brother, Charlie, and I headed into the bar to hang out with Angel. Charlie, though a good size kid, is only 13, and does NOT pass off as someone who is of age to be in the bar. The owner let him in, with the conditions that he was not allowed to "drink too much" lol. Around 10:00 p.m. my Dad showed up, said hi to the band, and left with my brother, bound for Bay Minette, AL. The show was great, I love it when the band plays a Rock Bottom's show on a Friday. There was even a proposal on stage. After the show the band packed up the stage. I kept an eye on the time, in order for me to get to work on time I had to leave by 5:30 a.m. We headed to Waffle House around 4:30 a.m., just enough time for me to enjoy Cameron, Betsy, Turck and Christeen's company before making the long drive home. I arrived back at my house at 8:15 a.m., slept for 20 minutes, then changed and headed to work... energy drinks were my only answer to sanity... but it was well worth it!

This next week I'm going to all the shows, so the blog will have many more "exciting" things to read about! See you next week!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This Week's Rock N' Roll Shows...


Thursday, October 15th, the band will be in Chris Eddins stomping grounds of Augusta, GA. They will be playing at The Country Club: Dance Hall & Saloon. As luck would have it ... The Country Club Dance Hall & Saloon opened on Saint Patrick's Day 2006 and in a short time has set the new standard for entertainment in Augusta. In fact, The Country Club has brought more national Country Stars to Augusta than any other club in recent memory.. and they just keep on coming. Among those partying at The Country Club to date are David Allan Coe, Tracy Lawrence, T Graham Brown, Ty Herndon, Emerson Drive, Shenandoah, The Bellamy Brothers, Rhett Akins, John Anderson, Blackhawk, Rodney Atkins, Jamey Johnson, Zac Brown, Cowboy Troy, Luke Bryan, and many more! Plus The Country Club is MORE than just Country Music… they've proved it with great Rock shows including Theory Of A Deadman, Drowning Pool, Rehab, Days Of The New, Fastball, Static X, and of coarse, the WORLD FAMOUS VELCRO PYGMIES! With its friendly and professional staff, state-of-the-art sound system and lights, and lots of space to party, The Country Club rises above and beyond the expectations of "just another nightclub." The Country Club's dedicated fans voted it "Metro's Best Nightclub!" 3 Years in a Row and “Best Live Music Venue”. Those very fans are the reason The Country Club has become the No. 1 place to party in the CSRA. It's 21 and up. $10.00 at the door or $5.00 in advance. Go ahead, go "Out With Your Boots On"!

Friday, the 16th, the band travels to Rock Bottoms in Montgomery, AL. I have said this once and I'll say it again, GREAT FOOD! If you don't care for the Pygmies, at least come for the food! lol. This place is great. Cameron let me know it's gonna be 19 and up for the show! And the band is gonna go all out with the light equipment! So, this is definitely a party you don't want to miss! It's smoke free too! See you there!

Saturday, October 17th, the band is gonna be in Tuscaloosa, AL, the home of Alabama Crimson Tide Football! Not only is it gonna be a good game day. It's also homecoming! The game starts at 6:45pm, so you have GOT to do your post-show partying at Rhythm & Brews, after the Tide rips the gamecocks a new hole... I know that sounded dirtier than it needed to be... but oh well. This is also a special night for Dep. It is gonna be his birthday! Don't forget to wish him a happy birthday, buy him presents, maybe even bring him a cake. Doors open at 7 pm, and the band will start around 11:30. It's 21 and up! It also ALWAYS gets REALLY hot in the bar, so wear appropriate clothing!!

"Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready to go?"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wet N' Wild weekend with the Pygmies

It was a rainy, dreary weekend with the band, here's what happened...

Thursday I woke up and packed for my weekend with the band. I headed out of my house around three o'clock. Jasper Alabama is a long drive. It took me about four and a half hours to get there. On the road I received a text message from Christeen, asking me to pick up some 9 volt batteries and some Johnson's & Johnson's 1/2", waterproof tape for Eddins. A little trivia fact for you, Eddins wears ONLY Johnson's & Johnson's 1/2" waterproof tape while playing... in case you are ever coerced into picking some up for him. After my short trip to Walgreens, I made it to the club to watch the guys set up the lights for the show. O'Malley's is an interesting bar. It is truly a bar for drinking and partying, not for glitz and glamor. As soon as the guys were done setting up we all headed to the hotel and relaxed, anticipating the night's wild adventures. I got back to the bar, in time to watch Angel do some shots with this REALLY tall guy, named Jacob. He was a little scruffy, but all the ladies seemed to love him. The show was great! And the fans at O'Malley's know how to party! The new stripper pole they installed worked wonders for the crazy drunk young ladies to dance upon. Even a few young men had their turn on the pole. After the show was over, the band packed things up, and headed back to the hotel. I texted Christeen to see if a Waffle House meal was in our future... and it was. We were lucky enough to have a nice meal with Brad's beautiful wife, Joany. After we ate, we all headed back to the hotel to sleep for a few hours. Check out was 11... ugh!

Friday I woke up late, so I didn't have time to shower. I hurried down stairs and put my bag in my car, where I met Cameron, who was doing the same. I was not planning on attending the rest of the shows for the weekend, I should've known Cam would change my mind. We ate lunch at Ruby Tuesday's. It was a great sit down meal with all my boys, I love it! While we were eating Angel and I decided to carpool to the show, since we alllll had to go in the same direction. Lunch discussions included, but weren't limited to: Bret Favre being gay, Vikings changing their uniform to rainbow colors, the gayness of our waiter, Cam and Chris's cold soup, and a saying that can only be summed up as "Let me be your Edward". Unfortunately, legally, that's ALL I can say about that. I followed behind Angel the best I could on the highway (he drives REALLY fast) to Tupelo, MS. Which was where we would rest our head for the night. We dropped Angel's S.U.V. off at the hotel and drove the rest of the way to Oxford, MS. The closer we got to the frat house the more it looked familiar. I have been to soooo many frat houses with the guys, I forget which ones I have, and have not been to. They played at this fraternity last Halloween. The band waited for the weather forecast... it didn't look good. As the band started setting up the rock show, the rain started to come. I was sent on a mission... more like a drink run, needing: 2 red AMPS, 2 green AMPS, 1 gatorade, and 1 pack of marlboro reds in a box. After returning from the 3 gas stations I had to go to find ALL of that stuff, I was sent on another errand for 2 fog machines, blow pops and a mountain dew for Jason. Wal-Mart was my best bet. Wal-Mart came up short, they were out of fog machines. After almost an hour of searching for somewhere that might have a fog machine, I gave up and headed back to the frat. Jason was not thirsty now, but I made him drink it anyway. The show was surprisingly PACKED! The rain could not keep these fans away, and it was COLD too! It would be the first time that Cameron could actually say he got allllll the girls wet at the show (Cam made note of this later and seemed very pleased with himself.) Angel and Dep both had on sweatshirts! The night never cleared up, even as the guys were tearing down the equipment. Which made it very dangerous to push the heavy stuff into the truck. After we were done, we drove back to Tupelo to sleep. I got a call from Christeen, before we hit the sack, a Waffle House was calling his name. An enjoyable warm meal with good friends. I got back to the hotel and took a really hot shower. It was cold out, and I just couldn't seem to shake it! Then I headed to bed, a busy Saturday awaits us.

Saturday I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Cameron. We were all rolling to the Cracker Barrel for a nice lunch. The band met up with some old friends, Matt and Lydia. There is something awesome about Cracker Barrel when it is cold outside, it just gives me a fuzzy warm feeling. Lunch topics for the day included: O.J. guilty? or not guilty?, a hang man match with Angel on his iphone, comments about the pictures and antiques hanging on the walls, and talks on what the band, Rumor Mill, was doing for the weekend. After our great fellowship, we drove to Rick's Cafe in Starkville, MS. The bar was nice and big. I was really excited to see all the fans! While the guys set up the show, I explored the bar, and found lots of pictures of bands that have played at the bar prior to the Pygmies. The Pygmies are sharing a stage once used by David Alan Coe, Snoop Dog, Kenny Chesney, Maroon 5, and many, many more. The "celebrities" that have played before them made me even MORE excited about the fan intake this place can hold! During my exploration, I found as old Pygmie promo photo. The very first Pygmie promo photo ever in circulation. The band took longer to set up than normal because most of the equipment was wet. I was sent on more errands... this time it was for: foot insoles, marlboro reds in a box, gatorade, 2 red AMPS, 2 green AMPS, and some long underwear. Angel accompanied me to Wal-Mart, where he bought some candy, in addition to our random assortment of items. I got back to the bar, they finished set up, and I was sent to CVS while the guys changed for the show. More 9 volt batteries, and some AA batteries were needed. The show started around 11 and the band played their usual, over-the-top rock n' roll. The audience was a little thin, but I hoped it would beef up a bit later in the night. It was homecoming weekend, it had to be a rockin night, right? Wrong! They sold to a whole 109 fans! No matter now many fans came, Cameron sold the few fans that were there. Sometimes it's not quantity, its quality... though BOTH is nice. The band tore down the stage, and disappointingly headed to the hotel. Chris, Jason, and Christeen drove straight home, so Cameron, Brad and I went to eat. While waiting on Cameron in my hotel room, I noticed a few strange things. bullet holes in my ceiling, bloody finger prints on the inside of my lamp shade, one towel, no soap, and 6 locks on the door. Normally the six locks would make me feel more safe... this time, it made me even more worried. The name Royal Inn was quite ironic. We couldn't find a Waffle House in the town, so we settled for Huddle House instead. A good meal never-the-less. Cam and Brad even ordered strawberry shortcake for dessert. We headed back to the hotel and crashed. I made sure to lock ALL six of my locks, and kept my cell phone close by.

Sunday was my day of "rest" where I drove the 4 hours home...and crashed again, this time safely in the comfort of my own home.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rock N' Roll shows PYGMIE style

There are three awesome shows this weekend. Which one will YOU attend?

Thursday, October 8th, the Pygmies are gonna be in Jasper, AL at O' Malley's Tavern. This will be the second time the Pygmies have ever played here. Last time was a blast. There were so many fans! Since the Pygmies have played there on June 11th, the bar has now got a stripper pole on the dance floor. This should create an interesting "obstacle" for the intoxicated fans. It should be a great night, just like last time. Karey, Cameron's wife, is planning on having another Passion Party that night. I will make a separate blog JUST for that Party shortly, so keep your eyes peeled!

Friday the band is gonna rock out in Oxford, Mississippi. There was some confusion as to where they were gonna play. As far as I know right now, they are playing at Sigma Phi Fraternity at the university of Mississippi. University of Mississippi students DO know how to party, and frat houses are a lot of fun! This would make a great road trip! I know campuses can be really confusing, so if you have a GPS, here's the address to the fraternity house : 1848 University Circle. I know to see you there!

Saturday the guys are traveling south to Kappa Sig in Starkville, MS. The last frat show in Starkville really surprised me. I was afraid no one would show up, I don't know why, Pygmie's reputation would tell me otherwise. These frat boys were more than hospitable and even offered Cam a place to shower before the show! The band hopes to leave another rock n' roll impression on this school. I have a feeling it'll be done. Again, frat houses are hard to find on campus, so here's the address: 1245 Stone Blvd.

There you have it, this week's shows. I hope to see lots and lots of Pygmie fans!

See you in the front row!

This last weekend was REAL crazy...

There's was a lot of things that happened this last weekend, so let's start with Thursday and go from there...

On Thursday, I started driving towards the "famous" city of Rome, GA. It's about a 5 hour drive from my house plus they're on eastern time, so I headed out about noon. Unfortunately, about an hour into my drive I stopped off to get gas and realized I left my debit card at home... so i had to drive allllll the way back home, and attempt the drive again! Because I was being irresponsible with my card, I missed Cam wife, Karey's, passion party. Devastated, but never-the-less, excited about the show, I headed straight to the club. I met up with Angel and went to a close by bar to have drinks and eat some mediocre bar food. The show started around 10:30, and was quite an awesome show! Not as many people showed compared to last time, but it was still a rockin time! The audience was very intoxicated, which always makes for an interesting evening. We had more than one woman topless and a "young" lady that decided she wanted to show the band her key chain under her panties. Cam thought this was the perfect photo opportunity. Not sure where the picture went, but my guess is, even if it was in circulation I would LOSE your interest in the blog by putting it up. Cameron did have a wardrobe malfunction, during a song, he knelt down on one knee and ripped the crotch out of his pants. He spent the last few songs carefully hopping around the stage, as to NOT show the audience his goodies. Cameron's wife did grace us with her presence and even got on stage to dance with Christeen. She also gave Chris a nice lap dance. He was very excited. After the show, the band tore down the gear, loaded it in the truck, and Brad, Traci, Jessica, Christeen, and I headed to IHop. It was not my best experience at an IHop, they forgot about my food. So, I got it in a to-go box and ate it back at the hotel... cold. Lights went out around 4:30 am.

Friday, I got up, showered, and checked out of my hotel. The nice lady at the front desk gave me a late check-out so I got to my car around noon. I was putting in the address of the next venue when the gang started to pile out of the hotel and linger around in the parking lot... waiting for Christeen to roll out of bed and join us. Karey showed me the "unique" items from the passion party, and sold several bags full to Angel. Not sure what he plans on doing with a vibrating tongue, but whatever floats his boat. We decided on Red Lobster for lunch. It was amazing. Everyone got the all-you-can-eat shrimp, except for me. I knew I couldn't eat more than one plate anyways. The waitress there was GREAT! Anytime you're in Rome, GA at the Red Lobster ask for Eloise! We then headed towards Athens, GA. It was only a 2 hours drive, but it lasted a lot longer due to the wonderful Atlanta traffic. We arrived at the fraternity and the guys quickly started setting everything up. Cam gave me the task of finding a hotel room. It was the day before the home game, so hotels were expensive and hard to come by. I used Cam's phone and found a Days Inn with 2 rooms left. He took them both. After returning with the hotel room keys Cam, Jason, and Chris left to shower and change for the rock show. Pete, Christeen, Turck and I sat outside on rocking chairs and enjoyed the silence and perfect weather. I love when the guys play in places where the Pygmies are NOT well known. When the band starts, the surprised looks on all their faces is priceless! And their looks carry on throughout the night as Cam talks about things most people don't have the guts to say on stage. We even had a couple that was on a first date, and Cam made them have their first kiss on stage. Poor couple, being forced to kiss in front of all those people! After the show Cameron and Brad drove home, Angel and Pete stayed in the hotels, and Jason, Chris, Christeen, and I drove allllll the way back to Birmingham. I had to stop a couple of times, just to stay awake, but I arrived in Birmingham in one piece. I checked into the Days Inn. Though the hotel was old and the air conditioner made a lot of noise, it didn't stop me from sleeping! I think I went to bed about 6:30 am.

On Saturday, I woke up in the hotel room just in time to watch an awesome Alabama game. I then showered and headed towards the Iron Horse Cafe for some good food. Before eating, I went next door with Angel to get some guitar strings and picks. He is well known over there. lol. I ordered my food and sat down at the table by Angel and I talked about nonsense topics while the rest of the band set up the lighting for the show. They have amazing food at Iron Horse, I got the Iron Horse Burger and fries, I also ordered some spring rolls, because I know how much the guys like them. The guys headed towards the hotel to change around 9 o'clock. So I went to the bar to pay for my food and then i was headed in the same direction. The lady at the bar was not my server, but when I told her I had to pay, she just handed me the receipt. i couldn't figure out how she knew me, then I looked at the receipt... my name was under :"Chick with Angel" in the computer. How nice (sarcasm). I relaxed at the hotel for a half hour or so, then headed to the Horse, where it was already busy with people anticipating their faces being ROCKED off. The show was great, as always, at the Iron Horse! We even had a couple give each other shots of jelled alcohol from syringes... I'm not gonna give away the secret as to how they dispense these shots. You will have to come to the Iron Horse and find out! The show ended earlier than normal, about 1:30 a.m. The fans cleared out and the guys worked fast to tear down the stage. Cameron and Brad drove home after the show. I headed back to the hotel and went to bed about 4 a.m.

All-in-all, a wonderful weekend filled with memories that will last a lifetime! I hope you can experience a weekend like this too!

Until next weekend...