Friday, November 27, 2009

Texas Tour Excitement...

So much happened while in Texas, bare with me, this is gonna be a LONG blog!

It started out Tuesday, November 17th. Around 9:30 pm, Angel arrived at my house to ride with me to Texas. We started our adventure. It was about a seven hour drive, and we had lots of interesting things to talk about, including fun things from our childhood such as: skip-it's, super Nintendo, moon shoes, gak, Are You Afraid Of The Dark?, and Goosebumps books. We also learned the words to many Weird Al songs, It kept us entertained most of the trip. We got to Houston, TX around 4:30 am. and got a hotel room at the Best Western. It was the best Best Western I have ever stayed in! Very nice, clean, great beds, awesome flat screen LCD TV... it even had a couch and work desk! Angel and I both woke up with the intention of heading to the bar around 1 pm. But the nice comfortable beds made that thought nearly impossible. Finally, I gathered my strength, and jumped in the shower. Angel went for a run. I put on some make-up and headed with Angel to Sherlock's bar in Westheimer Sherlock's... it was about 3:30 pm. The band was already setting up and a bit... RV lagged because of the long drive. By 6:00 the band had sound checked and we were ready to eat at Cam's favorite little Texas restaurant, La Madeline. This was Brad and My's first trip to the restaurant. It was great. I then went back to the hotel, refreshed, grabbed Angel and went back to the bar. I wasn't feeling so well. I was dizzy, and had a bad headache. I was kind of upset, since JUST the week before I was sick when I was with the band. I was in for a long, long night. Leigh bought the band song gifts, and I was so excited! The show started, and it was also on WEBCAST! It is always fun when it's on webcast, I love hearing from the fans that were watching online. After the show, I STILL felt bad. Luckily, DEP needed a ride back to the hotel, I hoped the fresh air would help me out. On the way back, DEP yelled at me for pushing myself so hard, he told me to stay at the hotel and relax, there would be plenty of time to hang with the band when I felt better the next day. I listened to him and went to bed back at the Best Western. I hoped sleeping it off would make me feel better in the morning, we had a long drive to Addison the next day.

I woke up Thursday and still had a major headache. Angel and I headed to Walgreens before we left town to get me some BC powder and some Dayquil (not to be taken together, per the Pharmacist in me) We ate lunch at this little sub place called Mikey's Subs. They were great, I got a Turkey Wrap and Angel had a Chicken sub. It was off to Addison, and I was thankful my illness had subsided. We got to Addison and went straight to the club. The band was setting up. Time for another night of La Madeline. Then back to the hotel. This time we were lucky enough to stay in a Hampton Inn for three nights. The hotel was amazing! It was also really close to our wonderful Denny's which is a Texas ritual the Pygmies have for morning meals. The show was great, there were soooo many fans! It was great to see some familiar faces in the audience, including Traci, Jessica, Doug, Brandy, Jeri and many more! The night ended with taking DEP to the hotel, then Denny's with Traci, Teen, Jessica, Brad and Cameron. The hotel bed was great, it was after 6 am when I last looked at the clock, but there was NO check out time in my future, just sleep, sleep, sleep.

Friday I woke up around noon. I wanted to sleep in, but I guess my body was so used to only getting a few hours of sleep it didn't know what to do. I tend to wake up wide awake and ready for the day, whether I'm tired or not. It must be the anticipation of the Pygmies shows. I took Angel to the Sherlock's in Dallas. Which is one of my favorite Sherlock's because of my history there. It was the first Texas Sherlock's I had ever been to. The band set up the show and headed to the hotel to change. It was gonna be a great night, I could tell. After showering and watching a little tv, Angel and I headed to the bar. It was already busy, and Jd and Nick were already selling a ton of shirts. The show was wild. I video taped it from the back of the bar, the lights were absolutely AMAZING! After the show I took DEP back to the hotel, changed then headed back to the bar to watch the guys finish loading out the equipment. We all headed to Denny's afterwards. It was time for some amazing hot chocolate. I headed to bed around 6 am, again.

Saturday was the show in Arlington. I knew it'd be a good night because the Cowboys had a home game the next day. The band set up the show, while I enjoyed some famous Sherlock's food. We then headed to the hotel and changed. I watched JAWS on HBO then headed to the club. I met up with Angel, Brandy, and Jeri and had a couple of Christmas drinks. I believe they were called Snow jobs and Holidaise. Awesome drinks. The show started and Cameron, once again, put me on video camera duty. I was more than happy to help. The view from the back of the bar was amazing. Especially with all the lights and fog. It's truly entertaining. Christeen was so sick he stayed in the RV during the show. When the show ended I called him to let him know it was over. When he came back inside he looked so sick. He tried everything he could to help out but his nausea got the best of him. He gave in and let me take him back to the hotel to rest up. The band NEEDS Christeen, he can't get sick, they depend on him! I walked him to his hotel and let him know to call me if he needed anything. I then headed to my hotel to relax and wait for Cameron to call and let me know they were ready for Denny's. I headed to Denny's with Jessica, Traci, JD, Nick, Cameron and Brad. The hot chocolate was on the menu again that night. Bed time came to early, check out was noon on Sunday, and it was already 6:30 am.

Sunday I woke up to Angel's phone call. He came and got my keys so he could put his bag in my car while I got ready to leave. We headed down to Houston again. It was over a 3 hour drive. The last time I was in Texas the band ended their tour with the show in Clear Lake- Houston, TX. So, for me, it was a sad show, the end of the tour until 2010. While the band set up I uploaded some pictures onto my computer, edited them, and posted a few online. I then ran to the Candlewood Hotel and Suites to get the band hotel rooms. The hotel was so nice. I was roomed with Christeen so he wouldn't get any of the band guys sick. I tried not to let it bother me that Cam roomed the SICK Pygmie with me, hello? I can catch whatever he has just as easily as the other guys! lol. I didn't mind, I'd rather be sick than have them be sick, they have to play! The hotel I went to get Christeen a meal from McDonald's then headed back to the hotel. The room was so cold, something was wrong with the air conditioner. It kept running even though it was colder than 65... I'd say at the warmest 63 degrees! The show was awesome! I stood up front with Leigh and Jessica and rocked out the entire night. After the show I went to Denny's with Brad, Cameron and Christeen. It had been a long week, but Denny's conversation was very interesting. I learned a lot about Cameron. His first job was working as a Singing Telegram. He hated every minute of it. He also worked at TCBY, and was promoted to manager after a couple of days. Apparently, all the other QUALIFIED associates had quit. He also used to build houses and do construction. He is truly a man of many talents. We headed back to the COLD hotel room and went to bed, it would be a long drive home in the morning.

Monday, I woke up, packed my bags and headed towards home with Angel riding shotgun. We stopped a couple of times on the way home to stretch, get gas, and get some food. We arrived at my house around 9:30 pm and Angel jumped in his car. I told him to call me if he were to get tired, he still had 3 hours to go. I hope he never called me, because I went straight to bed, and didn't wake up till Tuesday around eleven. haha

All in all, another amazing, fun week with the band. Texas is one of my favorite places to see the band play. Every Pyghead MUST take a road trip to join in on the fun!

Until next week

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