Monday, November 30, 2009

Artist Spotlight: Zach "Angel" Sanders

Angel is the newest musician to The Velcro Pygmies. Having joined the band at the end of 2007, this young guitarist has quickly become a fan favorite (especially with the ladies). One look and listen and you too will be "touched by an Angel"! Here's all you need to know about the band's newest heart throb.

Name: Zachary Dean Sanders
Birth Date: April 27, 1983
Birth place: Huntsville, AL
Eye Color: tomb stone
Hair Color: Not sure anymore
Height: 5'11"
Piercings: ears, nose, labret, nipples
Tattoos: 3 big ones
Instruments you play: guitar, bass, drums, and mandolin
Your most overused phrase: "Oh No!"

Food: Mexican
Color: black
Candy: Sour Patch Kids
Animal: A muppet
Drink: Sunny D
Alcohol: Whiskey
Song: "Wings of a butterfly" by HIM
Band: HIM

Pepsi or Coke? Coke
McDonald's or Burger King? McDonald's
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
Summer or Winter? Summer
Scary movies or funny movies? both, equally
Love or Money? Love

Most missed childhood memory: My Dad teaching me to ride a bike
First thought waking up: What's that sticking up in the sheets?
Goal for this year: To move
Fears: Hitler and Procreation

Been beaten up? Yes
Beaten up someone? Yes
Shoplifted? Yes
Skinny Dipped? Yes
Been arrested? Yes
Went streaking? Yes

What country do you want to visit? Italy
Do you like thunderstorms? Yes, I love them!
Are you a health freak? I try to be
Do you smoke? No
Ever been in love? Yes
Do you want children? Yes

Life is like crapps, so poop it.

Hanging with the Pygs and Eatin Slop

I only went to ONE Pygmies show this weekend... I know, I know, only ONE? I have to be able to balance BOTH of my families around the holidays! So, here's what happened...

Normally I'd talk about the show I attended, but since the MOST eventful thing that happened this last weekend was at a show I did NOT attend, I'm gonna share THAT excitement first.

Friday night the band got ready to play their usual Post-Iron Bowl show. They were at the AGR fraternity house. The guys were setting up for the show and Cameron went to get some cinder blocks from outside the covered stage. As he bent down to pick them up, he stepped on a rake. Let's pause for a moment...imagine a cartoon version of Cameron... ok, back to reality. The mean 'ol rake jumped up and hit him directly between the eyes. Now, remember that cartoon Cameron? Imagine the cartoon with little tweetie birds flying around his head. ( I knew I could make you laugh). The rake left a nice shiner on one of his eyes. It looks very rugged. He also woke up Saturday morning with a wonderful headache. All I gotta say is, I wish I had the camera rolling! Only CAMERON would do that. lol

Alright, now, on with the blog... I drove directly after work to the show. It took me over 3 hours, so I got there later than usual... around 9:30 or so. I headed to McDonald's before the show, 10 pc. chicken nuggets were calling my name. I took the nuggets into the bar. ( That sounded weird if you were to read that out of context) The band had already left and were at the hotel getting ready, except for Teen, who was lagging behind and only had one word to say to me as he walked out the front door "boooooo". I have never, and probably will never, understand the importance of "boooooooing" at someone. Webster's dictionary calls it "an exclamation of contempt or disapproval" maybe someday Christeen will explain it to me. I went at the side of the stage to eat my chicken nuggets and check my email on my phone. I also texted John "Gumbo" Farrell to see what he was up to... nothing good, as usual. After an hour or so, Angel showed up to the bar, as well as Debbie and Jack. The party had officially arrived! Haha. For those of you that know Jack "The Pimp" know exactly what I'm talking about! We all stood around and talked about the LACK of fans in the bar. It made me a little worried for a while, but Pygmies fans always pull through. By midnight, the place was filled with eager fans staring at the stage, hoping to get a glimpse of a furry boot, or a converse tennis shoe. The show was AMAZING, as all Supper Club shows are! The lights, fog and entertainment are always something to brag about. There is a reason the band is number one in Auburn, they have certainly earned the title. They rocked until 4 a.m.!!! After the show, the band chatted with fans as the song "Get the F*** outta here" played over the P.A.. It was time to get back to work, tearing the stage down. I love the Supper Club, but it takes SOOOO long for them to tear down the stage there. I guess that's the price you have to pay for a great light show! Joany, Turck's wife, and I headed back to the hotel around 6 am... the band was still working, and we were tired and cold. We watched a little Roseanne on the television and waited for the band to finish up and shower so we could hit up the famous Auburn Waffle House. Brad busted through the hotel door around 7 a.m. We watched the youtube video of the Pygmies that the Supper Club took that night. Cameron was freshly showered and ready for the All-Star combo at La Casa De Waffles. We hung out at the Waffle House and enjoyed the warmth and comfort of "healthy" food. Teen left his sunglasses on the entire time. He said it was because he was tired... I think he thought he looked "cool"... or whatever you would call Teen wearing sunglasses. You can insert whatever adjective you so desire ;) I then drove ALL the way home... I can't believe I made it in one piece. Word to the wise, don't stay up over 30 hours and try to drive... it's not safe.

Until Next weekend!
And remember, help control the pet population- remind Angel to always wear a condom. ( haha, I heard that from Bob Barker on the price is right... it was worded a bit different)


Friday, November 27, 2009

Texas Tour Excitement...

So much happened while in Texas, bare with me, this is gonna be a LONG blog!

It started out Tuesday, November 17th. Around 9:30 pm, Angel arrived at my house to ride with me to Texas. We started our adventure. It was about a seven hour drive, and we had lots of interesting things to talk about, including fun things from our childhood such as: skip-it's, super Nintendo, moon shoes, gak, Are You Afraid Of The Dark?, and Goosebumps books. We also learned the words to many Weird Al songs, It kept us entertained most of the trip. We got to Houston, TX around 4:30 am. and got a hotel room at the Best Western. It was the best Best Western I have ever stayed in! Very nice, clean, great beds, awesome flat screen LCD TV... it even had a couch and work desk! Angel and I both woke up with the intention of heading to the bar around 1 pm. But the nice comfortable beds made that thought nearly impossible. Finally, I gathered my strength, and jumped in the shower. Angel went for a run. I put on some make-up and headed with Angel to Sherlock's bar in Westheimer Sherlock's... it was about 3:30 pm. The band was already setting up and a bit... RV lagged because of the long drive. By 6:00 the band had sound checked and we were ready to eat at Cam's favorite little Texas restaurant, La Madeline. This was Brad and My's first trip to the restaurant. It was great. I then went back to the hotel, refreshed, grabbed Angel and went back to the bar. I wasn't feeling so well. I was dizzy, and had a bad headache. I was kind of upset, since JUST the week before I was sick when I was with the band. I was in for a long, long night. Leigh bought the band song gifts, and I was so excited! The show started, and it was also on WEBCAST! It is always fun when it's on webcast, I love hearing from the fans that were watching online. After the show, I STILL felt bad. Luckily, DEP needed a ride back to the hotel, I hoped the fresh air would help me out. On the way back, DEP yelled at me for pushing myself so hard, he told me to stay at the hotel and relax, there would be plenty of time to hang with the band when I felt better the next day. I listened to him and went to bed back at the Best Western. I hoped sleeping it off would make me feel better in the morning, we had a long drive to Addison the next day.

I woke up Thursday and still had a major headache. Angel and I headed to Walgreens before we left town to get me some BC powder and some Dayquil (not to be taken together, per the Pharmacist in me) We ate lunch at this little sub place called Mikey's Subs. They were great, I got a Turkey Wrap and Angel had a Chicken sub. It was off to Addison, and I was thankful my illness had subsided. We got to Addison and went straight to the club. The band was setting up. Time for another night of La Madeline. Then back to the hotel. This time we were lucky enough to stay in a Hampton Inn for three nights. The hotel was amazing! It was also really close to our wonderful Denny's which is a Texas ritual the Pygmies have for morning meals. The show was great, there were soooo many fans! It was great to see some familiar faces in the audience, including Traci, Jessica, Doug, Brandy, Jeri and many more! The night ended with taking DEP to the hotel, then Denny's with Traci, Teen, Jessica, Brad and Cameron. The hotel bed was great, it was after 6 am when I last looked at the clock, but there was NO check out time in my future, just sleep, sleep, sleep.

Friday I woke up around noon. I wanted to sleep in, but I guess my body was so used to only getting a few hours of sleep it didn't know what to do. I tend to wake up wide awake and ready for the day, whether I'm tired or not. It must be the anticipation of the Pygmies shows. I took Angel to the Sherlock's in Dallas. Which is one of my favorite Sherlock's because of my history there. It was the first Texas Sherlock's I had ever been to. The band set up the show and headed to the hotel to change. It was gonna be a great night, I could tell. After showering and watching a little tv, Angel and I headed to the bar. It was already busy, and Jd and Nick were already selling a ton of shirts. The show was wild. I video taped it from the back of the bar, the lights were absolutely AMAZING! After the show I took DEP back to the hotel, changed then headed back to the bar to watch the guys finish loading out the equipment. We all headed to Denny's afterwards. It was time for some amazing hot chocolate. I headed to bed around 6 am, again.

Saturday was the show in Arlington. I knew it'd be a good night because the Cowboys had a home game the next day. The band set up the show, while I enjoyed some famous Sherlock's food. We then headed to the hotel and changed. I watched JAWS on HBO then headed to the club. I met up with Angel, Brandy, and Jeri and had a couple of Christmas drinks. I believe they were called Snow jobs and Holidaise. Awesome drinks. The show started and Cameron, once again, put me on video camera duty. I was more than happy to help. The view from the back of the bar was amazing. Especially with all the lights and fog. It's truly entertaining. Christeen was so sick he stayed in the RV during the show. When the show ended I called him to let him know it was over. When he came back inside he looked so sick. He tried everything he could to help out but his nausea got the best of him. He gave in and let me take him back to the hotel to rest up. The band NEEDS Christeen, he can't get sick, they depend on him! I walked him to his hotel and let him know to call me if he needed anything. I then headed to my hotel to relax and wait for Cameron to call and let me know they were ready for Denny's. I headed to Denny's with Jessica, Traci, JD, Nick, Cameron and Brad. The hot chocolate was on the menu again that night. Bed time came to early, check out was noon on Sunday, and it was already 6:30 am.

Sunday I woke up to Angel's phone call. He came and got my keys so he could put his bag in my car while I got ready to leave. We headed down to Houston again. It was over a 3 hour drive. The last time I was in Texas the band ended their tour with the show in Clear Lake- Houston, TX. So, for me, it was a sad show, the end of the tour until 2010. While the band set up I uploaded some pictures onto my computer, edited them, and posted a few online. I then ran to the Candlewood Hotel and Suites to get the band hotel rooms. The hotel was so nice. I was roomed with Christeen so he wouldn't get any of the band guys sick. I tried not to let it bother me that Cam roomed the SICK Pygmie with me, hello? I can catch whatever he has just as easily as the other guys! lol. I didn't mind, I'd rather be sick than have them be sick, they have to play! The hotel I went to get Christeen a meal from McDonald's then headed back to the hotel. The room was so cold, something was wrong with the air conditioner. It kept running even though it was colder than 65... I'd say at the warmest 63 degrees! The show was awesome! I stood up front with Leigh and Jessica and rocked out the entire night. After the show I went to Denny's with Brad, Cameron and Christeen. It had been a long week, but Denny's conversation was very interesting. I learned a lot about Cameron. His first job was working as a Singing Telegram. He hated every minute of it. He also worked at TCBY, and was promoted to manager after a couple of days. Apparently, all the other QUALIFIED associates had quit. He also used to build houses and do construction. He is truly a man of many talents. We headed back to the COLD hotel room and went to bed, it would be a long drive home in the morning.

Monday, I woke up, packed my bags and headed towards home with Angel riding shotgun. We stopped a couple of times on the way home to stretch, get gas, and get some food. We arrived at my house around 9:30 pm and Angel jumped in his car. I told him to call me if he were to get tired, he still had 3 hours to go. I hope he never called me, because I went straight to bed, and didn't wake up till Tuesday around eleven. haha

All in all, another amazing, fun week with the band. Texas is one of my favorite places to see the band play. Every Pyghead MUST take a road trip to join in on the fun!

Until next week

Long time NO write! Let's get back to BUSINESS!!

It's been a while since I've written a blog, mostly because the Pygmies have kept me really busy... well, that's not totally true, but I had to blame someone. Haha, so, here we go again!

Thursday, November 12th, the band headed to Jp's Lounge in Enterprise, AL. It was only a few hours from my house, so I headed out around 3 pm. I had heard many "horror" stories about the bar and was a little anxious on getting there to check it out for myself. I arrived around 6:30 pm. It was a good thing I had GPS or I never would have found the place. It was tucked away in the corner of a shopping center. No sign outside. In fact, the sign that WAS above the bar read "GYMNASTICS & CHEER LEADING" which made me laugh as I looked inside and saw Eddins sitting down on a bar stool, smoking a cigarette. I walked in and looked around. It was a small bar, but clean. They also had some GREAT food, not the typical bar food. They had lasagna, schnitzels, and the usual hamburgers and fries. I enjoyed some bread sticks and lasagna with DEP then headed to Hardees with Cam, Chris, Teen, and Pete to enjoy some fellowship. After that, back to the hotel to freshen up before the wild night. Many, many times before a show I find myself persuading... myself... to wear heels. Every now and then I give in, and attempt to waddle into the bar. I've never been "that" girl. lol. Tonight, I had persuaded my myself to wear them, but quickly changed into flip flops by the end of the first set. The show was great, as usual. During the break I sold many shirts to NEW fans! After the wild show, I took DEP and Angel back to the hotel and headed to Waffle House with Cameron, Brad and Teen. Following breakfast/dinner I hung out with teen for a while as we watched Dark Angel. It was after 7 a.m. and check out was 11. ewww!!!!

Friday I woke up to Angel's phone call. He needed me to take him to the bar to pick up his car. Apparently, his late night escapades and run in with the cops made it hard for him to drive his car to the hotel the night before. I then headed back to the hotel and drove with the band to Po' Folks for lunch. Well, most of the band, it was Cam, Chris, Brad and Teen. It was only a short drive to Clanton, which was our next stop. I headed north west, Pygmie show bound... again. The bar the band was playing at was called Cafe Firenze II. It was kind of hard to find. I actually passed it and had to come back. When I finally got to the bar, I scoped out the cleanliness ( which is one of my pet-peeves) and also checked out the menu, to see how good this "Cafe's" food might be. The bar was so clean, and it looked like new. Young children were allowed in the bar during the day since they served food. It was funny to see the young "Velcro Pyglits" with their parents, not knowing that many years from now, they too would be standing in the front row of a Pygmies show, anticipating the heat of the show lights and the wild rock! The guys set up the show and headed back to the hotel to get ready. I did the same. I didn't feel so good before the show. I'd like to have blamed it on the lack of sleep, but found out later it was much more than lack of sleep. By the end of the show the nausea and fever set in. I tried to ignore it, that's what being a "rock star" is all about, but the later the night got, the worse it became. The show was amazing, despite my sickness. I sat in my car with the heat blasting as the band loaded out. I had every intention of going to Waffle House, but when I got back to the hotel, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until morning. I hoped the sleep helped, but it still was a rough morning. I drove with the band to Cracker Barrel, and tried to enjoy our conversations with Chris, Brad, Cam, Pete, and Teen, but the nausea made it hard. The band and I parted ways, they had a show in Gadsden at Chestnut Station, and I had some work to do back in Daphne. I got home Saturday night and went straight to bed. It had been a rough weekend for me. I blame Christeen... but that's another blog story ;)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Which Rock N' Roll show will YOU attend?

Thursday the guys are heading to Enterprise, AL to Jp's Lounge. From what I have heard, from other bands that have played there, this place will be a nice small bar with a more intimate Pygmie atmosphere. So, if you are looking to get up close and personal with these boys, this show is the place to do it! They also have a disco tech, which should be fun after we get a few drinks in Angel. Come early for dinner. They have some great food and drink specials!

Friday the band heads to Clanton,AL to Cafe Firenze II. Not to be confused with the Cafe Firenze on HWY 280 in Birmingham, this Cafe Firenze is located in CLANTON, AL. They are also open early for lunch and serve great food. They even have raw oysters! You don't want to miss this awesome show! It's only minutes from Montgomery and Birmingham, so there is no excuse for not having a little road trip!

Saturday the band plays at an all-too-familiar bar, Chestnut Station. This place, located in Gadsden, AL, has always been one of the WILDEST Pygmies shows I have ever seen. The stage is set really low, so it makes the Pygmies more accessible to the fans. Maybe that's the reason, or maybe it's the great drink prices and staff. I am not sure, but one thing is for sure, the PygmiesKNOW how to rock this place and it's a must see venue for true Pygheads.

I hope to see you this weekend at the shows!!


Three shows, three wild nights...

Last weekend's shows made me PROUD to be a Pyghead, here's what happened...

Thursday I woke up, showered and waited for Dep to arrive at my house and cruise with me to Statesboro, GA to rock out at Retriever's Bar and Grill. Since he now lives in Gulf Shores it made it easy for us to carpool. He got to my house around noon and we headed on our way. Personally, I wanted to leave earlier than noon, but Dep said we'd get there right on time... he was wrong. Statesboro is on Eastern time, we were on central time. It's also a seven hour drive and load in was at 6:30. Needless to say, we arrived in just enough time for them to be DONE setting up. Christeen and I then jumped in my car and ran some errands for the band. We needed batteries of every size, Gatorade, and tape for Chris. While traveling back to the bar I received a call from Angel, asking me to hurry back to the bar to hang out. The band started around eleven. It was a great turn out! There were even a few lucky fans that even got to dance on stage. After the show Cameron and I headed to the parking lot for some barbecue sandwiches. There was a guy that sells them outta a little cart. Cameron ordered 15 sandwiches and we headed back to the bar to enjoy a late night meal while they tore down the equipment. Dep grabbed a bunch of sandwiches and I took him back to the hotel. After returning to the bar, I realized the guys were done and ready to go. Cameron and Brad headed back home, while Christeen, Dep, Chris, Pete and I stayed in Statesboro to rest, it would be a long drive to Tuscaloosa in the morning. I fell asleep around 4 am

I woke up Friday morning around eleven. And decided to get ready and leave. There was no use postponing the inevitable, awful drive. The guys had left earlier than I did. I guess they take less time in the shower. I headed towards Tuscaloosa. The band would be playing at The Jupiter downtown for the pre-game day party. It took FOREVER to find a place to park in Tuscaloosa. I ended up 3 blocks from the bar. I toted my lap top case with me, in case I was missing in really good facebook drama the last few hours from my drive. When I came into the bar I was greeted by a bartender and handed a wristband. Jeremiah was his name. He let me know he wanted me to have a wristband early so I wouldn't put mean things in the blog about how long I had to wait in line before the show. It was very nice of him, and I was grateful. I folded a BUNCH of brand new Alabama Roll Tide Pygmie shirts before the show with Angel. The guys set up the new lights and were ready to roll to the hotel to get ready around 9:30. I stayed in the bar and chatted with Pygmie fans. The crowd started rolling in. It was amazing to watch the venue start to fill with eager fans. There were SO many of them. I was wondering how good the show would be tonight, because it'd be hard for Cameron to top the wild fans that had been drinking all day long. They were very entertaining. After the guys arrived back at the club, Cameron motioned for me to come up to the band room. He handed me the new video camcorder and told me to video tape the show's highlights. I was very excited! I stood in the middle of the venue, next to Pete's sound board to get the best view of the stage, lights, and fans. I have to say, I have seen hundreds of Pygmies shows, but that show was the best light show I have ever seen! Pete is truly talented! If you ever want to watch a real show, watch Pete manually create the light show that you see during a Pygmie concert. It's insane! The band took a short break in the middle of the show to sell shirts and got right back on stage to finish the rock. After the show the band, once again, started putting the equipment into the truck. It's a long, hard job. By 6 am Cameron, Brad, Christeen and I were at the IHOP relaxing and enjoying a meal. By the time we went to bed it was well after 7 am. Luckily, the Ramada hooked us up and let us sleep in!

I woke up Saturday around 2 pm, and headed towards home, tonight's show would be in Mobile, AL, only minutes from my house. I arrived at my house around 6 pm and showered, unpacked, and headed back to Pygmie land with my cousin, David. When we got to Soul Kitchen there was a private party going on. Angel was already there, I was supposed to eat dinner with him, but I was running a little late. I had to buy some more batteries, so I asked if he would want to come with us. We then headed to Walgreens, where my mom is the manager, so I was able to get a good discount. By the time we got back to the bar the guys had shown up and were ready to load in. I watched patiently as they set up the great stage. My sister and her friends waited anxiously at the barricade waiting for the bar to open. Right when the guys finished setting up the lights, the bar opened the doors to the fans, and they all rushed the stage, hoping to get a front row spot for the show. I had suddenly realized how incredibly hungry I was. I grabbed my cousin and Becca, Angel's friend, and we walked downtown to look for something open. We found ourselves at a Greek Sub shop... can't say I have ever eaten there, but we ordered anyway. We ate our food side stage at the bar. The band started around midnight. It was a great show, there was even a young girl that jumped on stage. Christeen, not wanting to let a cigarette go to waste, picked her up with his other arm and carried her off stage. It was pretty funny. The band also had a guest singer. It was Jeremy from the band D.R.E.A.D. who sang EnterSandman, a crowd favorite. The show ended around 3 am and the band tore the stage down for the last night of the week. After the show, the band headed to the nice, Hampton Inn of Downtown. I was flagged down by Daniel, the bar manager, he handed me Eddins cymbals that he had forgotten. So, I drove to the Hampton and waited on Christeen to come down from the room and get the gear. There was no Waffle House, IHOP or Denny's on the menu for the night, everyone was so tired. I drove back home with my cousin around 5:30 am and crashed. Next weekend would be a fun week, I needed to start resting right away.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rock N' Roll this weekend!!!!!

The Velcro Pygmies are gonna travel to Statesboro, GA Thursday night for a great rock show. Retriever's Bar and Grill is amazing! They have great food, great drink prices, and they were voted the number one venue for live music and food in Statesboro! They have $1.00 rum and daiquiri's all night long! They also have two for one appetizers and $6.00 meals from 5-7 pm!! It's 18 to party and 21 to drink!!

Friday the band heads to the huge venue in Tuscaloosa,AL The Jupiter. This place is one of my favorite places to see the band. The bar is huge. The Pygmies share the stage with bands such as Derks Bently, Kenny Chesney, Sister Hazel, Cross Canadian Wagweed, and many, many more. On Friday's the bar has 1/2 price appetizers and baskets from 5-8 pm, and$1 Draft beer and $1 Kamikazi shots. It's 19 and up at this bar. I hope to see you there!!!!

Saturday the band heads to Mobile, AL to Soul Kitchen Music Hall. This IS my favorite place the band plays. Probably because it is so close to my house. This bar is located directly downtown in the heart of Mobile's party block, Dauphin Street. The street is covered with bars and nightclubs, but Soul Kitchen is the best place to be! The bar opens around 9:30 and the band starts around 11:00 p.m. You may want to get here early, there is usually quite a long line outside! It's also 18 and up, and requires a membership, which can be purchased for $2. It is well worth it, because the bar stays open later than any other bar on the strip! I hope to see you in the front row rockin!

Halloween with the Pygmies!!

I was unable to attend the Pygmies show Thursday night at the Warehouse in Clarkville, TN. I did here from many, many fans that it was an amazing time!

Friday I drove to Louisville, KY to see the band. I started driving around 8:00 a.m. and didn't arrive till after 6:00 p.m. needless to say, I was more than ready to be out of the car! I arrived at the bar and immediately started folding Pygmies shirts with Angel. They had gotten a brand new shipment. It took me a couple hours to fold, rubber band, organize, and label all the shirts. I finished just in time to head to the hotel with the guys. Every time they are in Louisville they stay at the Red Roof Inn. This time was no exception. I freshened up then headed to the bar with Angel to enjoy the opening band for the Pygmies. While we were listening to the band we ran across a familiar face in the crowd... Blake!! For those of you new Pygheads, Blake was the original guitarist for the Pygmies!! He had come to see his Velcro Pygmies again! Angel introduced himself with a bit of nervousness. I mean, the ORIGINAL Pygmie guitarist! lol. After chatting for a while with the "Blazeman" we headed to see the karaoke bar in the next room. All I gotta say is, the Pygmies only wish they had that kind of compassion while playing. lol. It was going on 10:30 so I started towards the stage and positioned myself at the front near Angel. The crowd was ready, and so were the Pygmies. There is something about Louisville. No matter what day of the week it is, they know how to party. It was amazing! There were even two young ladies that dressed just like Angel and Dep. They did a great job on their costumes! They even had guitars! After the show the band packed everything up. I helped... well, as much as I could. We then headed to the hotel, it was really late, and we were all tired so instead of going to Waffle House we just hit the sack. It was about 6 a.m.

Saturday, I woke up to a cell phone text message from Chris Eddins. It said, "Time to eat, bitches..." Apparently, that's how he thinks he should talk to a woman. It was only appropriate to respond with "Yeah, yeah, you old whore, I'm getting up" . Chinese food was on the menu for the day. We enjoyed our all-you-can-eat buffet while watching the Indiana University football game on the televisions. Then it was off towards Evansville, IN. Angel rode with me to Indiana. We drove straight to the bar. There was nobody there. The band guys, despite popular belief, drive really slow in their "death van". Because we had some time, Angel and I headed to the local mall. There were children everywhere in costume! It was a lot of fun to see them all dressed up. I'd have to say the cutest I saw in the mall was a little boy in a scarecrow costume. Our fun was up, time to head to the bar and set up for the rock n' roll show. Woody's bar is an easy set-up for the guys, they don't put up many lights. Angel and I decided to find a haunted house in the area and check it out. We found one, but were both WAY to afraid to go in, it was an actual haunted Insane Asylum right downtown Evansville! Instead, we all headed back to the hotel to get ready for the show for the night. I love the Holiday Inn we stay at in Evansville, it is really night, and is a great change to the dangerous, bug infested, dirty hotels we stay in sometimes! Angel and I headed back to the bar early to hear the opening band and to scope out the creative costumes the fans had decided to wear. We saw Paul Stanley, Billy Maze, the Pope, a Ghost Buster, a couple of Bret Michaels, a few pirates, a Michael Jackson, and many girls who dressed as a slutty... everything. I am sorry, maybe it's because I am a girl, but I don't think someone should when a costume contest just because they are wearing little, to nothing, and saying they're Malibu Barbie. Luckily, I was not alone in the decision, and the fans voted the Ghost Buster as the best costume. Cameron picked a young man, dressed as Officer Farva from Super Troopers, to be the "Party Barometer" Unfortunately, he did not last all night... poor guy. Chris Eddins dressed in his Marilyn MANroe costume, Dep was Jack Sparrow, Cameron was a skeleton, and Angel decided taking a shower and getting dressed was enough work for him, no need for a costume, lol. The night ended with a trip with Cam, James, Tanya, and Christeen to the Denny's located across from our hotel. Teen and I fought over ordering the Hooburito ( which I highly recommend) and we chatted about the new Kate-Hater. I headed to bed around 6:30am.

Sunday morning, I woke up, and got my bags packed to make the long journey home. Cam called me and asked me to take him back to the bar to get his s.uv. so he could get on the road. After I got back, I met up with Chris, Dep, and Angel. Christeen was probably still asleep when I left with Angel. Since we were all going the same direction, Angel helped drive back to Dep's house where they had all rendezvoused three days earlier and carpooled together. I dropped Angel off,and drove the rest of the way home. I arrived at my house about 10:00 p.m. and crashed. It had been a long weekend of driving, but it is always well worth it.