Monday, September 21, 2009

A weekend of rock like no other...

This last weekend was quite exciting... here's what happened...

Thursday I drove to Montgomery to see the Pygmies. I was running a little late, so I headed straight to the hotel to check in. I stuck my stuff in the hotel room, which was really nice, then headed to Rock Bottom's for a night out with my boys! ! I met up with KimberLee, the Prattville girl, to celebrate her last Pygmie show in Alabama. Dep and Angel were already at the bar playing darts. I tried to stay away, the thought of Angel and Dep throwing sharp objects makes me nervous. Around 10 o'clock the band arrived and they started about 10:30. A great crowd showed! Several people were celebrating their birthday. Cam picked a young lady, named Wendy, as his new buddy to give alcohol. She accepted this friendship and by the end of the show she was watching the audience with her eyes closed more than watching the band. The point is, she had fun, and that's what the Pygmies are all about! The night ended with a trip with Christeen to the Waffle House, where we played Tetris and prank phone called friends. I headed to bed about 5 a.m. check out was noon, yuck.
Friday ended up being a more interesting day than I had expected. I woke up at 10:30, I didn't have to check out of the hotel till noon, but i wanted to head over to Best Buy to get the NEW netbook I have been wanting. After I showered, packed my bags, and loaded my car I went back into the hotel to make sure I had everything. I came across Angel in the hallway, he asked if I wanted to eat lunch at Shogun's next to the hotel, so we headed that way. During our intimate lunch, intimate because we were the only ones in the place, Angel and I discussed the shows for the next couple days. Since we were going to be driving the same direction, we decided to carpool together. We went to Best Buy and bought my netbook, then headed to Buford, GA to 37 Main Rock Cafe. This place was new for the Pygmies. The bar was great! Really neat pictures and atmosphere! The guys ran late that day. They literally RAN to the van and got to the hotel quick to change, they had less than an hour to get ready. Because of this, I just stayed at the bar with Angel and watched as the bar filled with eager fans. The show started at 10. During the show, Christeen whispered to Cam that a camera man wanted to know if there was any way they could turn the lights down... they were too bright. Cam, of coarse, laughed and continued to play. After the show I headed back with Angel and Dep to the hotel, I had to get my own anyways. Waffle House was NOT on the menu for the night, instead Cam, Brad, Gina, Joany, Teen and I headed to Huddle House for reflection on the night's events. Back at the hotel, I was so tired I fell asleep while talking with Christeen... oops, lol. Ugh, lights out at 5 a.m. again!

Saturday I woke up, took a nice shower, and headed out of the hotel. It was raining, ewww! All of us headed to the Golden Corrall for some good eats. It was still raining out when we left, so I pulled the car up to the front of the restaurant for Angel... I'd hate for the rain to ruin his hairdo! It also rained the entire drive to South Carolina! Unfortunately, my brand new windshield wiper blades were acting up, so it made it really hard to drive down the interstate! We headed straight to the frat house. I have seen many, many frat houses... but these were the smallest I have ever seen! They were probably under 3,000 sq. ft.! The guys set up the stage on the back deck and made sure they had their tarps ready in case it rained during the show. They ran behind again. Cam and I headed to the hotel to get the rooms. The Days Inn of Spartanburg is quite disgusting! The pool looked more like a pond... an algae infested pond! While the guys changed for the rock n' roll show, Cam sent me on a mission to find a new fog machine. Then I headed back to the frat house. The guys had an early show, they started at 9. I was surprised that such a small school knew how to party THAT much, I was truly impressed with their enthusiasm! Cam even gave an encore of Body Count because the fans were cheering "One more song! One more song!" After the show the guys packed it all up, while Dep kept saying "Have you heard? The bird's the word!" ( from Family Guy). Chris, Christeen, and Dep headed home after the show, so Waffle House consisted of Brad, Cam, and I. I headed to bed, I had a long drive ahead of me in the morning.

Sunday morning I drove home with Angel. We talked about the shows, and some of the crazy things we had seen throughout the weekend. We stopped in LaGrange, GA for gas. I sat in the car while Angel walked in to use the restroom. He took FOREVER and then came out with an arm full of random purchases. He bought two Ghetto Alabama hats, a fleece NY mets throw, a palm tree bag, and pantyhose. I think being on the road has gotten to him, lol. I got home about 6:30 pm, and headed to bed!

All in all, a great weekend. There were MANY pictures and videos, so make sure to look for them on the websites and youtube!

Until Next time!

1 comment:

  1. Great times...sorry I missed them...thanks for the update!
