Monday, September 28, 2009

3 shows, 3 states, lots to talk about!

Alright, lets get crackin!

Thursday, I started heading towards Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I left about 8 a.m. and drove to Betsy's house. We decided to ride together, six and a half hours is a long trip. We arrived at the bar around 5 or so. I parked the car, stumbled out ( my legs were sore from the drive) and went to the side of the old building where Christeen was sitting. Moments later, the bar employees opened the back door and the guys proceeded to load all instruments and equipment off the truck and into the dark bar. They didn't put up any lights this show, which made for a quick load in. After the load in we all headed to the hotel and checked in. I then called Angel, who had been MIA during set up. He informed me he had the flu and was instructed to get to the bar right before show time. Betsy and I freshened up, put on our heels, and headed back up to the bar to watch the battle of the bands that were going on prior to the Pygmies show. When we pulled up Dep and Kristen met up with us and we all walked in together. I was surprised to see Angel at the bar already and, although he was doped up on antibiotics and cough medicine, he looked fine. He ordered me a drink and we discussed the "rockin" band's that were performing in the background behind us. Angel bought me a few more drinks. I think his intentions were to make me see double, then there would've been at least 40 people in the place. The band started and Betsy and I stood up front... we were the only ones. Towards the end of the show we sat down at a table close to the stage so I could get some good camera footage of the guys. After the show Cameron went home so Betsy, Christeen and I headed to IHop where we enjoyed some football shaped pancakes and french fries. Lights were out about 5 a.m. ugh!

Friday, I woke up, showered, and Betsy and I headed back towards her house. I was on the way to Columbus, GA for another night of rock. I was running really late because I had forgotten about the time change! Ahh! I drove straight to the bar, making it there just before the guys took the stage. This place was one of the most unique places I have ever seen the Pygmies play! You can see by the pictures how unusual the bar was! Cam, Dep, and Angel played half the show down stairs while Chris stayed stranded with the drums on the balcony of the second story. There were SOOO many people, it was a lot of fun! Unfortunately, when you have to load in and out of a second story building, set up and tear down are aggravating! Nevertheless, the band tore down the stage and headed towards the hotel. Cameron decided, once again, not to eat breakfast. Christeen and I found a Waffle House, where conversation was limited because Christeen had his eyes glued to his new iphone. I went back to the hotel, showered and then went to lye down in one of the most comfortable beds I have ever slept in! That hotel was amazing! check out was noon, and it was 5:30 a.m., ewww!

Saturday, I woke up around 11 so I could take another shower and then checked out t noon. It was only 11 o'clock in Auburn, which was my destination. I wasn't really sure what to do with my free time. While driving towards Alabama, Jason called me to have lunch with him and his girl. It was then I realized Cam was driving by himself so I invited him to come eat lunch with us at the Ruby Tuesday's in Auburn. We discussed the history the Pygmies had with the Supper Club, other bands that were doing well and other band-like stuff. After an awesome lunch we headed to the hotel to get our rooms. It was now time for me to do some work. I jumped on my netbook and uploaded some pictures from the shows, edited them, and then organized them for the websites. I also sent out emails for the night's show at the war eagle Supper Club. I got a call from Christeen, who needed his tool bag, which was in my car. So I drove to the bar to finish organizing the pictures. I then ran a few errands for Chris and watched the guys set up a new light show. Again, they ran a little late. Christeen was hungry, so I offered to drive to Krystal's to get him some food. I was being too nice. I had forgotten about the game, it had just ended. I sat in Krystal's drive-thru for almost 45 minutes! After that, I drove back to the bar, picked up Pete and Christeen, and drove them to the hotel so they could relax for a few minutes. the show started around midnight. It was an absolute blast! So many fans! And the lights, though they took a lot of work, looked amazing! The show went over so well, after the signature KISS song the guys play at the very last, the fans screamed ""ONE MORE SONG! ONE MORE SONG!" Cam gave the fans exactly what they wanted! Load out was long, and hard... as the sun was rising higher into the sky, Pete shut the truck and we pulled away from, yet another, amazing rock and roll weekend with lots and lots of memories!

until next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog! Keep 'em coming! Hope Zach feels better soon, and you were a good friend for sitting in line that long....hope he thanked you big time. :)
