Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pygmies Play a Monday Gig... sure to ruin all plans for Tuesday morning!

On December 7th the Velcro Pygmies played a show a little out of the ordinary... a Monday night gig in Auburn, AL. Every year, it is the Pygmies job to throw the Auburn students a pre-final party. This year was no exception, Bourbon Street Bar was their next victim....

I drove straight from work to the show with my cousin. It was a 3 hour drive, lucky me. We arrived at the bar and parked around back where the Pygmie's Truck was parked. David, my cousin, and I then walked to the front of the bar. It was only around 10 pm and the band was not there yet. I showed the security guard my I.D. and he said "that'll be $10" I informed him I should be on the VIPygmie list and do not pay to get into shows. It was at this point I had to decide where this was going... was he gonna be the cool guy and say "Oh,cool well go right in." or was he gonna be the power trip security guard and cause me to write about him in the blog... let's just say, he WILL be talked about in this blog. He said he didn't have a list and I had to pay. I called Angel to see where he was so he could walk in with us. While on the phone Angel asked to speak with the guard, the guard refused, saying that even though it said "Angel-Zach Sanders" on my phone, it could be anyone. I wanna know what person would go to THAT much trouble to get into a bar without paying the 10 bucks! Did I mention I was wearing a custom Kate The Pyghead Velcro Pygmies T-shirt and hat?! Ridiculous! So, instead of staying in the bar before the show, I sat outside... where it was cold and raining. Angel finally arrived and walked in with us. I had several glaring eyes on me from the security as I entered the bar. Now I'm not conceited, nor do I think I am better than anyone else, but under most circumstances, my reputation and "fame" proceeds myself. They didn't know who they were dealing with. They must have been using the power trip to make up for some small appendage they have, just saying. The show was great. Jenna bought me a few drinks and in know time I was taking pictures like a crazy person. It surprises me how great they all come out when I do that. lol. It was a short Pygmies show, it only lasted a few hours but it was well worth the trip. I was even able to grab a quick snap shot or two of Christeen... smiling! After the show I hung around and watched the guys tear down the tiny stage. Since they were only playing one show, all the guys drove home right after the show. David and I then took the long drove home. He slept most of the way. About half way home I called up Christeen because I was feeling tired. While we were talking my car decided to slip from 5th gear to 3rd gear...... by itself. The last road trip ever for my beloved Ford Fuckus, lol.

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