Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christeen's birthday in Mobile becomes a memorable event... from what he can remember.

On Saturday, December 12th the band traveled from Auburn, AL to Soul Kitchen in Mobile, AL. I was excited, the band is finally playing back close to my home and it was Christeen's 22nd birthday! I started the day off by baking some cupcakes for the birthday boy. Then my cousin and I headed to Mobile with cupcakes, presents and cameras in hand. When I arrived at the bar the band was starting to set up the lights for the show. I snacked on some Arby's french fries and watched the "excitement". Some Christeen came down off the ladder and opened his gifts and ate a cupcake. I guess his way of thanking me was saying "what?! no sprinkles?!" cause that's about all he said about it. Haha. The guys went to the hotel to change for the show. I stayed in the bar and mingled with some fans. The show started around midnight, due to the DOWN POOR outside, fans were a little thin in the audience. But, like Cameron always says, it doesn't matter who didn't show up to the show, it mattered who DID show up to the show. I started buying Christeen whiskey shots by his request. With each trip to the bar his laughter grew. He is a funny drunk. He also booed the band more than usual, I'm guessing it was the alcohol talking as well. By the end of the show it was all he could do to stand up straight and not fall over. As the band was tearing things down I went into the bathroom to survey the damage. I don't know why, but Soul Kitchen's bathrooms are some of the WORST bathrooms I have ever seen in a bar. Even before the show they are dirty. This time was no different. There was pools of blood in one of the stalls. I found out later that a young lady, named Alex, had cut her foot on glass during the show. I hope she is okay, there was a ton of blood! The night ended with Christeen trying to put Cameron in a head lock and yelling I'm gonna choke you out and the rain flooding the roads, leaving very little room to drive anywhere. David, Kristi and attempted the drive to the Waffle House... I had to drive down the middle of the road to avoid getting stuck in the flood waters. Another wild night at a Pygmies show, haha.

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