Saturday, August 29, 2009

A weekend like no other!

With three days in Auburn with the Pygmies its hard to figure where to start with all the gossip, rumors, and truth! So, lets start with the show on Wednesday night, and go from there...

Theta Xi had an awesome BRAND NEW stage for the band to rock out on! The band was excited to play there, and the students were just as excited to see the Pygmies. The house only had 27 active members, which allowed for a more "intimate" show. The band had a few... uh, FIRSTS, if you will, they were actually handed a small envelope during the show, Cameron opened it, and with a surprised look in his face announced that the Theta Xi house wanted the band to Pledge! Cam was very excited and saved the card, we can't wait for the "Old School" band guys to go through rush week, lol. The show was cut off short due to noise complaints... apparently, some students are at Auburn to "Study" or something like that ;) But don't let the short show fool you, it was quite a wild party, complete with mooning of both males and females, a few boobs, lesbian make-out sessions, and a sad wardrobe malfunction that left one fan with her hands...full. Luckily Christeen came to the rescue with a brand new Pygmie shirt. The shirt read "I've been a naughty little Pygmie" which fit the fan perfectly. Rain came and went throughout the night... which made load out a lot more "fun". The night ended with the routine stop to the famous Auburn Waffle House with Christeen and Cameron. It was there we learned that Christeen may want to invest in a new pair of jeans...thats all I'm gonna say about that. Lights went out around 5 a.m.

Thursday's show was at
Bourbon Street Bar downtown Auburn. I woke up early, about 3:00 p.m., and headed to the bar. The guys were there setting up and practicing some new material. Practice was going well until a young lady, about 50 yrs of age, comes storming through the front of the bar waving her hands. Confused by this, Cameron stopped singing and asked how he could help her. She replied with " You have to stop playing! I can't work with all this noise!" he apologized for being loud and politely asked where she worked, then she stated, " I mean it, if you don't stop playing I will call the cops!" Cam, trying to lighten up the situation said, "Oh, don't do that, they are our friends, we don't want them mad at us. We can stop, but let me ask you, how did we sound?" the lady then responded " You all sounded like crap! All I could hear was boom boom boom!" ( apparently thats a music note I was NOT aware of) Cameron replied, " Hey, thats not nice, where do you work?" She walked out, waving her arms and once again threatening to call the cops. Note to self : practice may make perfect, but it can also get you in trouble with the law if you are too loud ;) The Pygmies rocked out Bourbon Street that night, and despite the lack of practice were able to premier there newly-learned song, "Un-Skinny Bop" with " flawless accuracy". Woo Hoo, go Pygmies! The band was also mentioned in the local college paper as being the number ONE band to see in Auburn! What an honor! Another night of rain, followed by another night of Waffle House... this time Christeen wore pants that covered most of his legs and his unmentionables, we were all happy about that.

Friday, the famous
WAR EAGLE SUPPER CLUB! I woke up, showered and headed towards the club. Load in was at 2:00pm... it was about 4:00pm... I was a little late, but just couldn't get outta bed! As I was driving towards the bar, I was almost in a car accident with a crazy driver that pulled in front of me to turn, and flipped me the bird in the process. A little upset by this I slowed down to get a better look at the hooligan. It was the Pygmie's very own Johnn Depp and Angel acting a fool on the streets of Auburn, imagine that? Shortly after I recieved a call from the wild boys asking me to come with them for a drink and appetizers at Santa Fe Cattle Company. We sat and had pina coladas and read tattoo magazines, then headed to the bar for "work time". I folded and organized all the NEW Pygmie shirts so it would be easier for me to sell them during the show that night. The Supper Club is always a late show. They started about midnight and played till 4 am! A great show, including a cameo by the famous bad boy himself, Justin, from DOWNSTROKE! who lead the audience in singing "She Hates Me", a crowd favorite. This was then followed by an unusual load out. Cameron, finding humor in almost everything, decided to cut Christeen's jeans into Daisy Duke shorty-shorts. Though they may have been cooler to wear, they were not at all flattering on Christeen, of coarse, his work boots, red hairy legs, and sweaty Pygmie shirt did not help the situation. Thank God there was no Waffle House... I love Christeen, but I don't know if I could've been seen inside a Waffle House with him wearing an outfit that would get him beaten up in most places. 7:00 a.m. was on the clock as my head hit the pillow...check out comes too early.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Chattanooga show with the Pygmies due to my sister's 18th birthday party. Anyone who was there, send me a summary of how the show went! I'm sure everyone would love to know!

Hope to see everyone at this week's shows! Lets make them memorable! I know the Pygmies always do!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Velcro Pygmies Rock Out in Auburn & Chattanooga!

This week is gonna be a blast! And the Velcro Pygmies want YOU there!

On Wednesday, August 26th, the band will travel to Auburn University's campus to party at Theta Xi Fraternity! Though this Fraternity is rather small, it does not affect the partying that goes on here! The students are ready, the band is ready... are YOU ready?

Thursday it's another Auburn fraternity party! Thursday's party is at Chi Phi Fraternity right on College Stree
t! This fraternity has history, and the Pygmies are nervous... the house is old... hopefully they won't ROCK the shingles loose! Everyone come out and party with the Chi Phi students! You won't be disappointed!

Friday the guys are at the WAR EAGLE SUPPER CLUB! One of the wildest and coolest clubs in Auburn! That last time the band played there it was the bar's 70th Anniversary! With an awesome stage, bartenders, and amazing staff and security, you are guaranteed a good time! This place is 21 and up ONLY! I've seen the Pygmies EVERYWHERE they have ever played, but the Supper Club is STILL one of my favorites of ALL time! I hope to see you there!

Saturday the band in traveling north to Chattanooga, TN at Rhythm & Brews. The Pygmies are no stranger to Chatt-town's Rhythm & Brews, they love it there! This place is awesome! It has a huge stage, great drinks, and even a balcony, so you are ALWAYS front row for the shows! This venue is also 21 and up ONLY!

I hope to see everyone at the shows! "Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready to go?"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Velcro Pygmies on!

The Velcro Pygmies have an ilike account, and you should join! You can look up old albums, songs, videos, ringtones and pictures. You can even request them to come to YOUR town and play! And it keeps you up-to-date with shows!! Soon there will even be an IPHONE application! Don't miss out on valuable Pyghead info!

Also, many fans do not know this, but the Pygmies have a PYGHEAD RADIO toolbar! You can download it to your computer and play music while on the internet! I use it, and love it! It also includes links to cool sites, a search bar, and you can even make ringtones out of the songs you're listening to! everyone has got to get one of these!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Weekend is over and HERE's what happened!

Wow, what a weekend! So many stories! So little space to write! Alright, here it goes... Thursday the band played in Statesboro, GA. The show was amazing! The guys loaded in around 7 and started about 11. Retriever's was packed the entire time! The fans were lined up at the front of the stage just waiting in anticipation to get their faces ROCKED OFF! Although it was hot ( so much so that Cameron was even breaking a sweat!) the fans stayed and partied till 2 am! Unfortunately, the tattoo shop, Ink Slingers, has since moved locations from when the Pygmies played there last. This meant the band did leave the city inkless and holeless, lol. Let's see, something funny that happened that day........ Oh, after asking me MANY questions, Angel had finally understood the anatomy of the female body part. Let's just leave it at that.

Friday's show at Iron Horse was, as usual, WILD AND CRAZY ROCK N ROLL! There's nothing like a crazy drunk fan throwing themselves on the band members to help add to the rock n' roll atmosphere the Iron Horse has! Add a few syringes filled with jello-like alcohol, free beer, and t-shirt sales and you have one WILD night!

Saturday's show was Phi Tau in Auburn. These guys KNOW how to rock! The Pygmies love to play their! It's always the party to attend! Intrigued fans pile in the covered room to watch the guys ROCK. Some interesting things that had happened: Cam found a young man, let's call him "White Fro" who's fantasy "girl" was the Green Lantern. And there WAS a noise complaint... though the Pygmies did NOT stop playing, I guess Cameron figured the complaint was from another band that was playing down the street at another Fraternity... which had NO ONE there!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This week in the Velcro Pygmie World...

This week starts off some of my favorite shows... FRATERNITY PARTIES! On Monday and Tuesday the guys are going to be in Auburn, AL for TWO nights of unchaperoned rock n' roll. Monday night is Sigma Chi Frat. and Tuesday night is the ever-so-popular AGR house :)

The poor Pygmies have been traveling sooooo much lately, Wednesday is their only day off. Knowing the guys, my guess is... Cam will be working on the NEW Tanning salon, 24hr Tan, Chris will be working at his business, Road Load Case Works, Dep might check out the night life on Wednesday at a local bar in Birmingham, and Angel will probably sleep as late as possible and enjoy some quality time with his girlfriend, Niki.

Thursday, the band travels to Statesboro, GA for a night of rock n' roll at Retriever's Sports Bar & Grill. This place is 18 to party and 21 to drink. They have great food- happy hour is 5-7 and it's 2 for 1 appetizers and great drink specials- $1 vodkas and $1 Daiquiris!
If you are traveling from Alabama, remember, there IS a time difference, Statesboro is on eastern time! This place is not only known for their great food and drinks... but also the Pygmie after-party that occurs next door... INK SLINGERS! Every time the Pygs are in town they get the VIPygmie treatment and go, after hours, to get inked or pierced. I've experienced this place first hand, and it's well worth the drive JUST to go to the after party!

Friday, the band travels back home to familiar territory, Hoover's own, Iron Horse Cafe. The Iron Horse is a 21 and up bar ONLY. This place is great, and NEVER a dull moment here! Expect a crowd, come early and have dinner! They have great food at reasonable prices!

Saturday, the band drives back to Auburn to end the week. Another frat show... Phi Tau! This should be a great show :) It should start about 10:30 and end around 2:00 a.m.

I hope to see lots and lots of Pygmie fans at the shows this week! And as always, I gotta ask...

"Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready to go?"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Missing the Pygmies in Texas??

HAVE NO FEAR!!! Lisa and Mikey are here!

When the Pygmies go to Texas for a week or so, many Pygmies fans start to have withdrawals... and it's totally understandable, but...

Mikey and Lisa (from Houston, TX) record the ENTIRE show! That's right, YOU can watch the Velcro Pygmies LIVE from the comfort of your own home! Here's how it's done...

This Saturday, August 15th, around 11/10pm cst go to . You can either sign up or just log in as a guest! Then watch the LIVE internet show from Arlington, TX!!

There is also a nice LIVE chat, so you can chat with other fans, the band, and even request songs during the show!

I hope to see everyone Saturday night! I guess there's only one question left to ask...

"Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready to go?"

The Velcro Pygmies...

In an age filled with “enhanced” athletes, crooked politicians, rapid terrorism and the evil rise of over-indulgent pop divas, America is in desperate need of heroes.

Throngs of music lovers longing for just a hint of escapism wander the record stores and radio dials of this great nation looking for new saviors to arrive and save rock ‘n’ roll from its spiraling downfall.

But, fear not, there is hope.....

From the creation of fearless leader and Blow Pop connoisseur Cam Flener, the Velcro Pygmies have been blowing away Southeast audiences with their own brand of over-the-top, ’80s-style party rock since 1990.

While most bands are mainly identified by one frontman, the Velcro Pygmies are the combined force of four frontmen, Cam Flener, Johnny Depp look-alike Jason Reed, a guitarist simply known as Angel and drummer Chris Eddins, formerly of Augusta bands Catboy and Impulse Ride, the Pygmies are a well-oiled rock ‘n’ roll machine capable of pulling any audience to their feet.

The Velcro Pygmies are coming to a town near you, and your city can be safe once again!